At 5 months she would wake in the morning for a few hours then nap mid morning for an hour then another hour or more in the afternoon. Now at 11 months she just sleeps for about 1.5 hours during the day but just today she had an extra long nap of 2.5 hours! It could be a growth spurt.
Recently she started to sleep through the night and I had just got used to it when suddenly this past week she's started to wake up at 3-4am.
there will never be a sleep routine! I just take each day as it comes.
It's probably best to just go by her needs rather than a routine at the moment.Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?I have never scheduled my son. What's the point? They are babies and you're right they are constantly changing and growing. Let them do things on their own time, eat what they are hungry for when they are hungry, sleep when they are tired for as long as the need to. Their whole lives will have to be on a schedule later on for school, for work, for whatever, just relax and let the baby be a baby. It won't create a spoiled, frantic child, it will support natural development.Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?My son wasn't on a %26quot;schedule%26quot; until closer to between 4 and 5 months. By that time his eating and sleeping patterns were pretty much around the same times every day. We, of course, have adjusted with him growing(like now he can go to bed a bit later and stay up between naps longer) but he's still pretty much on the same routine.Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?seriously, my daughter has had a pretty set schedule at one month old. that's when she started sleeping through the night and she fed pretty much at the same time. i'm not saying that there are nights where she has her sleeping pattern messed up but we still try to keep to the same schedule. just do the same routine every day. we put my daughter (who is 10mths now) down around the same time every day for her TWO naps and she goes to bed every night same time and she tends to feed about the same as well.Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?My baby set his own loose schedule. 8 1/2 months old and it's still not set in stone. I can roughly estimate what time he is going to want what by what time he wakes up in the morning (still not an exact science though).Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?Now is the perfect age to establish a schedule. Especially night time schedule. It's important to put your baby to bed awake at night so that she can learn to self sooth.Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?My daughter is 7 months old as of yesterday and has been sleeping through the night since she was 3 months old (consistently). We're always adjusting to her ever growing changes but she is one a predictable schedule (not set haha). She sleeps through the entire night and wakes up around 7:30am for diaper change and feeding. She stays up and plays for a few hours and goes back down at about 10am for a quick nap (must be too early when she wakes up haha). She gets up at 11am and eats, diaper change, floor time and etc. Around 1pm, she's usually tired again and I feed her then put her down for her afternoon nap. During this nap she sleeps longer, 2-3 hours. Once she awakes around 3-4pm, she's up for the rest of the evening until about 8:30 or 9pm when it's bedtime.
You just have to be consistent everyday and there are going to be days where things seem out of order but that's ok. When you start putting her on a schedule, she's more predictable and you'll start to see all the signals she's giving you. Makes life SO much easier when you can just put your baby down at certain times and do your own things while she's down.
Good luck!Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?I know that 2 of my baby nephews are on schedules. They are from different families, so it's not one mother and 2 kids. Their schedules started about the time their mom's went back to work, not from birth. Seemed like once mom was back on a schedule so were they. There are always the days that they slept an hour longer, or didn't want to nap for more than 20 min. and that seemed to throw the day off a little bit, but that was not too often. They ate at the same times everyday, slept a little while after eating and so on. When they started eating solids we just altered the schedules a little bit because they were full for longer than with formula. little things change with them as they grow, but nothing really alters the schedule as a whole too much. they still eat, sleep, play about the same times everyday.Do other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?i'm a working mom and i have a 2 month old and she is sleeping through the night (thank god) but she is on a schedule because i have to be she gets up (on her own ) at six o clock then i feed her about 5oz of milk then i'm off to my moms house then she eats every 4 hours and she takes a nap in the morning for about 1 or 2 hours then take another one around 3 so you can but it's hard when they have there mind of there own. i say try really hard to get in to a schedule with her now because it easy-er on youDo other people%26#039;s babies eat and sleep at the same exact time every day?My daughter is 6 months old and I've never put her on a schedule. I was concerned because a friend of mine has a baby two weeks older and he's been sleeping through the night since week 6. My daughter didn't sleep more than five hours until she was over two months old.
People kept telling me to feed her on schedule and let her cry at night if it wasn't conforming to that schedule. I'm a first time mom and I couldn't bear to hear her cry, so I fed her when she was hungry and let her sleep when she was tired. Somehow, she just naturally created one for herself. She started eating around the same time every morning and if I didn't have her in bed by 7:30, she was very upset. She doesn't always stick to it but for the most part, it's only been disrupted due to things like teething and when I first started solid foods two weeks ago.
If you're concerned, like I was when my friend kept talking about her baby's wonderful sleep and eating habits, make a chart of when she eats and sleeps. I bet your baby is on more of a schedule than you realize.