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Will a 50 percent water change a day lower my nitrate level low enough so that my fish will survive.?there not gonna survive in that 10 gallon long you need at least a 55 gallon to have all 3 of those fishWill a 50 percent water change a day lower my nitrate level low enough so that my fish will survive.?Your let the tank run, but you have to let it cycle. Do you have a filter. The constant water change isn't fixing the problem.Will a 50 percent water change a day lower my nitrate level low enough so that my fish will survive.?buy yourself a master test kit ASAP and research tank cycling ...good luckFriday, June 3, 2011
Will a 50 percent water change a day lower my nitrate level low enough so that my fish will survive.?
I bought a brand new 10 gallon tank and waited a day and put in 3 baby angelfish. They are extremely heathly but im still scared the nitrogen and ammonia will get to high and kill them. I dont have any test kits so ive been performing 50 percent water changes every day with a water pump to get waste of the bottom. Will this do the trick in lowering the nitrogen and ammonia level and insure there survival.Will a 50 percent water change a day lower my nitrate level low enough so that my fish will survive.?I'd suggest using a product like stress zyme, or cycle, to boost the amount of nitrifying bacteria in your water to speed the cycling process up. Also, if the readings get to high, you can quickly neutralize them with a product called prime if you can't get to a water change immediatly. But a tank like that may be fine for a short time, but they will dye quickly unless they have a bigger tank to grow into.Will a 50 percent water change a day lower my nitrate level low enough so that my fish will survive.?Yes I have a filter:)