How do I get into a routine of getting up bright and early every morning?? Say at 7.30am?? I lounge around in bed most days past 11.30pm. How do I change this? I feel I am wasting my life away but I always seem to be tired for some reason, even after 10 hours sleep.
Thanks.How to get up and about early every day??Davo,
A trick that I use is to put my alarm clock on the other side of the room. This way I have to get out of bed in order to turn it off. Once I am out of bed I figure I might as well work out.
Hope this helps,
StuHow to get up and about early every day??WOW u r complaining!!!!!!!!!!! I get up at 5:50 5 days a week!!!!!!!! c a doctorHow to get up and about early every day??get a whistle and blow it really loud.