Ever since a family member bought my son Similac Advance formula, he's been very fussy and has bowel movements once every other day. He's primarily breast fed but I give him formula if I'm busy or if a family member takes him somewhere. The hospital gave my son Enfamil Lipil formula and I bought it for him after I left the hospital and he was doing great, but ever since he started the Similac Advance he's changed. I don't want to assume it's the new formula but that's the only thing that I can think of, what could be changing his behavior?Why is my 7 week old son only having bowel movements once every other day?try not giving formula, and buy a breast pump and just give him breast milk. Formula is hard on babies sensitive tummy..Why is my 7 week old son only having bowel movements once every other day?It is normal for a baby that age to not poop daily, they can go up to 10 days and be fine. The only time it would be a problem is if the poop is hard and dry.
The Similac might not sit well with him, so if you are going to keep supplementing you should go back to the Enfamil.Why is my 7 week old son only having bowel movements once every other day?Once every other day is the outer edge of normal, but to avoid autointoxication problems you should still give him something to improve his output. Adding karo syrup may help.