Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Is it normal to cry every single day during pregnancy?
Im 33 weeks and since ive gone into my third trimester all i seem to do is cry! i cry literally every single day! its anywhere from uncontrollable sobbing to just tears rolling down. i know during pregnancy you experience a lot of hormonal changes but is it normal to cry this much? has anyone else experienced this? some days i just seem to cry all day. i dont feel depressed, but the simplest things just seem to devastate me or make me so sad.Is it normal to cry every single day during pregnancy?I cry a lot, too. Lol! My hormones seemed fine until last week(third trimester). I find myself crying and getting upset about the smallest things. I am guessing it is normal and will pass after the baby arrives. Good luck to you and Happy pregnancy. My only advice is think happy thoughts, that's what I try to do. Hang in there!