Monday, September 19, 2011
I have so much bloating every day my waist measurement changes by 2 to 3 inches! Help!?
Seriously - its costing me a fortunate in trousers. I am a skinny woman, i eat well, low carbs, lots of youghurt. its a little better than when i used to have lots of carbs - but not much. Waist fluctuates from 25 to 28 inch every day. Ihave supplemets including fish oil, vit b, and garlic.I have so much bloating every day my waist measurement changes by 2 to 3 inches! Help!?.Do you eat shrimp? This can cause the problem you mentioned as can crustaceans. Your problem could also be your fiber intake.I have so much bloating every day my waist measurement changes by 2 to 3 inches! Help!?I'm going with JuniMoon on this one, I think it's the fiber, which not only bloats you but also causes dag-nasty gas, which could explain the variation in size. Are you packing in the fiber?