Monday, September 19, 2011

Why does Joe Lieberman change his political party every day? one day he's repub, next an indep, then democrat?

then right back to being republican. how retarded is this guy and why is he allowed to remain in office? has he ever done anything that contributes well to society. He is the biggest puppet following george w. boosh.Why does Joe Lieberman change his political party every day? one day he's repub, next an indep, then democrat?Joe Lieberman follows the money and where he thinks the votes will be. He is a true POLITICIAN, nothing more, nothing less. He could care less about party as long as he stays in power, come to think of it he sure does fit the current version of a Republican politician.Why does Joe Lieberman change his political party every day? one day he's repub, next an indep, then democrat?monkey poopWhy does Joe Lieberman change his political party every day? one day he's repub, next an indep, then democrat?He never claimed to being Republican.Why does Joe Lieberman change his political party every day? one day he's repub, next an indep, then democrat?Joe Lieberman is truly a democrat, from the JFK democrat era, when democrats were country first, party last. Lieberman is truly a loyal and patriotic leader who was shunned by democrats, after they allowed socialists and communists, to hi-jack the democratic party,

The democratic party has changed, not Joe Lieberman. Joe is not comfortable or a fit within the republican party, because that is not who he is. Certainly, a democrat who refuses to side with the socialists who practice civil disobedience whenever their party is out of power, will be treated like anyone else who opposes socialism- name callling, disparagement and character attacks. That is how today's democrat roll.

Joe Lieberman will not partner with terrorists; he will not deliberately harm the USA to gain political power for his party, as does the majority of democrats. Joe will not embrace dictators and communists as Obama does, Joe is a patriot and staunch supporter of America.

The democratic party has changed and is now a socialist party who wants bad things to happen to America.

Do not disparage one of the very few democrats who is not a traitor and a tool of socialism.Why does Joe Lieberman change his political party every day? one day he's repub, next an indep, then democrat?HE IS A DEMOCRAT WHO RAN AS AN INDEPENDENT BECAUSE HE LOST HIS PARTY'S NOMINATIONWhy does Joe Lieberman change his political party every day? one day he's repub, next an indep, then democrat?Joe is a good man.