It actually depends. First of all, what type of band-aid? Waterproof band-aids need to be changed daily because they aren't breatheable. Cloth band-aids are breatheable but need to be changed if they've gotten dirty or wet. Flexible foam type are somewhat breatheable AND somewhat waterproof, so those only need to be changed daily if they've gotten dirty.
Also, if the wound needs to be treated-- ointments, creams, etc.-- then you need to change the band-aid daily in order to reapply the ointment. But if it's something minor and you're using the band-aid just to keep it covered, you can leave it on until the band-aid is either dirty or wet.Is it better to leave a band-aid on or change it every day?change it.Is it better to leave a band-aid on or change it every day?Change it daily to prevent dirt from infecting the woundIs it better to leave a band-aid on or change it every day?CHANGE IT OR UR PUTTING OLD GERMS ON OVRE AND OVER AGAINIs it better to leave a band-aid on or change it every day?Change it every day.Is it better to leave a band-aid on or change it every day?Change it