Monday, September 19, 2011

What should i do about my husband mood changes, every other day?

We just got married, little less than a yr ago, and my husband is constantly changing! We both are into fitness, but he takes supplements. I notice, when he is into working out and getting big, he turns into a complete jerk. He dosnt want to be affectionate anymore, and he just sits in front of the computer all night, and dosnt talk to me. I've caught him looking at pictures of woman on body building, and utube. It hurts! I've let him control my emotions, and I've been stupid and begged him to pay me some attention and to just be nice and hang out with me, but he dosnt care, and continues on with his internet shearching. He dosnt take steriods, and I don't think he's cheated on me. He's military, and I know military boys do not have a good rep. He grew up in church, and we try to go every weekend... I don't know how to control my feelings and just man up!!!What should i do about my husband mood changes, every other day?Silent treatment is a little girl's answer. You need to find out what's troubling him, then go from there. Find someone mature that you trust, and ask for help. With what you've provided here, no one could give you sound advice.

If you approach him, stay respectful, and hopefully he'll return the favor.What should i do about my husband mood changes, every other day?When you give him a good dose of the silent treatment, he will get his stuff together.