like why does it have to be blue all the time?
why cant it be red on monday, orange on thursday, purple on tuesday, green on wednesday, yellow on saturday, pink on friday, and blue on sunday?
so honestly, why cant it change colors every day?Why cant the sky change colors every day?omg are u serious...?Why cant the sky change colors every day?I agree with you. All it is is blue....BORING!Why cant the sky change colors every day?It's the only sky crayon in the box. It got mad and threw the others out because they couldn't get along.Why cant the sky change colors every day?Because it hasn't done enough acid?Why cant the sky change colors every day?it has to do with the color spectrum and what color is dominant or something like that. but that would be so cool!Why cant the sky change colors every day?Because God designed it that way.Why cant the sky change colors every day?it can!! but youd have to be on drugs lol..Why cant the sky change colors every day?It's the way God wanted it.Why cant the sky change colors every day?because it wants to drive you nuts. But I wish the sky over here was blue, Its all gray and dark.Why cant the sky change colors every day?The sky is the best color every day.Why cant the sky change colors every day?It wont look good.Why cant the sky change colors every day?That would be cool!
I guess it does change colors though. In the morning it's all kinds of beautiful mixtures of rich colors. And at night!Why cant the sky change colors every day?because science doesn't work that way...Why cant the sky change colors every day?the molecules that make up the atmosphere are blue.
that's why its the only color you will see.Why cant the sky change colors every day?Call me when the shuttle landsWhy cant the sky change colors every day?It is because the gases in the atmosphere refract the light waves only one way, which is in blue wave lengths. Sometimes the sky is red in the mornings or at night, that is how you tell the weather for the next day.Why cant the sky change colors every day?The sky can not change since it is the relection of the ocean water. The blueish tint of the vast open ocean, shines onto the sky giving it a blue color. sometimes, the sky is colorful from the light of the sun. This makes it either red, orange,yellow... or rainbow. A sunset. I hope that this is the correct answer!Why cant the sky change colors every day?Someone's not living in reality.Why cant the sky change colors every day?I like it being blue. If it was a designated different color every day, that would be boring. There are trillions of variations on the way the sky looks. It's already perfect, and perfectly interesting.Why cant the sky change colors every day?Cause the sky just reflects color... it absorbs the longer wavelength and reflects the shorter wavelength, the color blue...Why cant the sky change colors every day?you have never been to Los Angeles have youWhy cant the sky change colors every day?Come see the Florida skies--Multi-colored....Ever-Changing. And the best sunrises and sunsets!!! Will take your breath away!Why cant the sky change colors every day?probably coz the sun illumintes light that bounces off particles and emmit a blue colour. same in sunset and rise only its red
also, coz pandas have no eye liners and got angry and ate a blue dolphin then a commodo dragon. that is why i was born
BTW: i answered your question so answer mine: press my avatar then look at mi recent question!Why cant the sky change colors every day?but it does, in the morning it is lots of different colours and at sunset it is again different colours, the blue is different in different times of the day and during different weather. look closer, there are alot of colours in the sky that you are just not seeing. it is like green, green is not just green, look closer you could be suprised how many colours are really in a tree or the grass.Why cant the sky change colors every day?%26quot;why can't the sky change colors every day%26quot;????????? What kind of question is that?????????Why cant the sky change colors every day?My answer is u can't change wat god created.
But the scientific reason is - Blue colors get dispersed more than other hence the big blue sky is always in the shades of Blue.
I hope one day u may find a way to change it.
Good luckWhy cant the sky change colors every day?When I was eight I fell asleep on a blow up shark in a pool and woke up a few hours later and the sky looked purple!
Does that count?Why cant the sky change colors every day?I'm told its the reflection of the ocean, so maybe if we keep polluting our waters you may get a different coloured sky.
Sometimes when I go out and watch the sunset, everything around me is a weird looking pink or yellow, not just the sky but the whole atmosphere around me, looks really odd but pretty at the same time.Why cant the sky change colors every day?i think that no other color would be as beautiful as blue, and i guess god thought the exact same thingWhy cant the sky change colors every day?my favorite color is green, but i can't imagine the sky being green or any color but blue. it just wouldn't be right.Why cant the sky change colors every day?Right then, dude listen up
Light from the sun makes the sky look blue. But sunlight is really light of seven different colours: red, orange, yellow, green,blue, indigo and violet. You see these when you look at the rainbow through a prism ( availible in toy and stationary stores) dust and water scatter the blue light or make it visible, more than the other colours. That's why the sky looks blue only when the sun shines, and night with hardly any light it looks dark dark blue or black