Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Instead of doing a large water change every week, could i do smaller water changes each day?

i have a 29g tank and i have to do the super-ghetto water change method of using a siphon hose and a milk jug, so i was wondering instead of changing out a bunch of the water each week could i just change out a gallon every day?Instead of doing a large water change every week, could i do smaller water changes each day?as was mentioned it would be more work first off but second would not prove beneficial to your fish. You should keep them on a 25% weekly water change with gravel vac. This keeps the ph as well as the minerals that are in the water resupplied to the aquarium. Daily small changes will do nothing and you will still need to vac the gravel.

Changing one gallon per day will do nothing for cleaning the tank.Instead of doing a large water change every week, could i do smaller water changes each day?Yeah.. that would work, but it's actually more work than just doing 10 gal change once a week.

IanInstead of doing a large water change every week, could i do smaller water changes each day?totally, about 25% of a gallon each day, although i would find it as a big pain to do it every day, but go aheadInstead of doing a large water change every week, could i do smaller water changes each day?freshwater or saltwater if saltwater use microalgae if fresh water live plants will do the job they both eat ammonia and nitrates that make water stink and turn green or yellow.Instead of doing a large water change every week, could i do smaller water changes each day?only if u do little ones i woudnt do a 25 % water change everyday because u would lose a lot of beneficial bacteria
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