Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?

when I was geting guinea pigs I read, in all those tips and advices, to change the water every day in their bottles. so I do, but I wonder why? what happens with water if not changed?What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?it gets gross and the water gets old. Bacteria can grow on anything that isn't cleaned or is VERY dirty. Clean the whole water bottle once in a while in scolding water and make sure to give them fresh food every day- I would change it every day twice a day.What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?It stagnates. Bacteria, fungi, and algae can all grow in there.What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?Have you ever heard of %26quot;Slime in the ice machine%26quot;?What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?Hmm... I dont know with guinney pigs since thier water bottle is so big you could go for like 3 days fine. For my gecko since its water bowl is tiny i change it nightly but for my larger tropical snakes i give them huge waterbowls that i change every other night.What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?The water becomes foul and disgusting and undrinkable.What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?Changing it EVERY day is probably excessive, but it can (and will) get stagnant, so it really should be changed often.What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?1. The water gets stagnant (stale) and doesn't taste as good.

2. Bacteria starts to grow in it.

3. The water bottle gets emptied out, and your guinea pig gets thirsty.What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?I think changing the water EVERY DAY may be a tad too often. Sure, the books recommend it, but I don't think it's necessary (unless it becomes contaminated or the guinea pigs finish it all).

Changing it once every two or three days should suffice. Warnings about fungus, bacteria and algae sound rather paranoid. When you clean the bottles, however, be sure to clean ALL the parts. Submerge the pieces in some bleach water (1 gallon of water with 1 tablespoon of bleach) for your peace of mind. Rinse them THOROUGHLY afterwards.

Keep in mind that when guinea pigs live in their natural habitat, nobody changes their water supply on a daily basis. I'm pretty sure that normal, non-threatening bacteria is also in great supply out there, but their systems can handle it.What happens if a person doesnt changes water every day for their pets?It will become stagnate. It can cause disease.