The problem is is that her litter makes the garbage smelly.. and i dont want to waste a garbabe bag every day so what do you think i can do about the smell??Cleaning my rabbits litter box every day?If you have a garden you pour the litter around plants and such, rabbit droppings are great for plants.
Or, you can pour the litter into a grocery bag, tie it up and then put it in the garbage. This does great to contain the smell and incase the bag breaks, litter doesn't go everywhere!Cleaning my rabbits litter box every day?get rid of the rabbit dummyCleaning my rabbits litter box every day?Theres really nothing you can do about the smell. I have to change my rabbits litter box everyday too. I clean her cage as a whole about once every 2 weeks.Cleaning my rabbits litter box every day?1.If your rabbit is getting a lot of alfalfa you should know that it has diuretic properties you can replace the alfalfa with grass hay (not grass) also alfalfa makes the urine smell stronger.
2.If your rabbit is not eating alfalfa then it could have problems with its kidneys or be eating to much protein.