Is the Top Answerer in Horoscopes sectoin here a different person every day because it seems that it is. The Top Answerer keeps changing their personal information... ok.. So just wondering because it is possible that it's just different people and I'm reading the information incorrectly!Top Answerer a different person every day?It's the same person. She's just changed her info a lot in the past few days...
And I agree with Lisamythical!! What is with all the hostility in horoscopes these days?
Let's keep this section fun.Top Answerer a different person every day?she just changes her name and her avatar all the time. she just doesn't want anybody to stalk her.Top Answerer a different person every day?lol @ these questions. I get bashed all the time. People aren't nice these days.Top Answerer a different person every day?I like trying on different avatars and names. It's fun, harmless, releaves boredom, and confused the stalkers just a bit (like Baby Aries said). They're gonna stalk me anyway, because they're jealous haters, so I like to make it a bit of a challenge for them. If you ever have any questions which one is me, just look at the right side of the main screen.
Also, if you are getting a different person each time, is it possible that you are clicking on questions from different country, then coming up on a different country's board? If you click one of the flags, you can also see that country's Top contributors, which will be totally different. I've had that happen to me before while answering someone from India, I got redirected to the Indian YA Horoscopes got a little lost.
Besides the answers should really speak for themselves, at least theoretically.