an adult beta male with lovely red/purple coloring. Just got him
from my daughter, and I'm happy to have him. Change the water every day using distilled water, or day old water. I practiced this on another beta a couple yrs ago, who has died. The pet store doesn't give accurate answers either, so its up to you to help me. ThanksSome people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?I don't get it.Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?Fed mine a pinch of those fish flakes a day, and was fine until he was scared to death....(long story)Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?Definately once a day. Overfeeding is worse.Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?feed once a day.Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?you should feed your beta once a day , a couple of those pellets. i also had a beta and thats how i was told to care for itSome people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?well ive have 3 depends on the food u feed it remember there stomachs are very small.Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?Beta's should be fed once a day. The normal life of these rice paddy fish is about 2 years. Enjoy.
JimSome people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?you only feed fish once a day. You shouldn't have to do a water change every day.Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?WHAT A COINQUDINK I HAD A BETA BUT IT DIED AND WHITE STUFF WAS AROUND IT AND IT FLOATED TO THE TOP OF THE WATER......GOOD LUCKSome people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?I have a pink Betta and i feed it a little pinch of flakes a day. I change the water once or twice a week and put a cap full of %26quot;Bette plus bowl conditioner%26quot; in the water.. He seems quite happy. Over feeding is definitely bad and the bowl conditioner gets rid of everything in the water and then you don't have to clean it as much. Hope this helps!!Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?3 or more a day since it's an adult young 1s it's 3 every other daySome people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?You should only feed it once a day.Only feed about 4 or 5 pellets each time.Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?you should feed it once a day unless you have the whole peace lilly ecosystem because that's when you would feed it 1-2 times per week. but you shoudn't need to change the water every day - it may actually end up shocking the fish if the temperatures aren't close enoughSome people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?My bettas are fed twice a day, five pellets each feeding. Hopefully your betta is in at least a gallon bowl. The smaller the more cleanings you have to do and the more cleanings the more stress that is created on the fish.
My bettas are in a gallon bowl each (I have three bettas) and their water gets changed every two weeks unless I notice that the water is getting bad beforehand. Like I said, each one gets fed five pellets in the morning and at night, especially my newest betta who is a young betta. The older ones don't really care to have as much food so if I notice that they aren't that active that day I usually cut it back to three pellets in the morning and at night.
If you need anymore help just let me know but you should be good to go!!Some people say feed a beta 3 times a day a pellet at a time, some people say once every 3 days. any opinion?only feed once daily and only what they can eat within a 3 to 5 minute time frame.