Friday, September 23, 2011

I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?

I was on medication and it went okay, but the doctor and meds in general were expensive and I could never remember to take them and was too lazy even when I did remember. I sleep a lot and have no energy and am late to work every other day. Physically my doctor says I am okay, so it is not any physical thing I can assure you, but my mind is so sad. People are mean to me and make fun of me all the time, I got rid of all my evil friends and family and now perfect strangers come after me in public and even my boyfriend thought I was kind of worthless and left me, how can I get rid of the evil and sadness in my life?I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Do you know that JESUS loves you? That he will never leave you or forsake you.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Get a boyfriend. If I had a boyfriend I wouldn't be upset at all.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?You know if you white wash a turd it's still a turd you have to get rid of the turd. You need to find the source of your depression and turn and face and conquer it rather than running and hiding from it. Go! Fight! Win! Go rent the incredibles and listen to the speech the costume designer gives to elastagirl.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?do you have a boyfriend i know someone and that helped them if not send me a photo of yourself and i might be able to hook u upI am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Just let it all go and move on. There's no need to listen to those evil people. They wont make it in life like you will. Well You grow up and live a happy life they will be stuck there trying to make themselves feel better by putting people down. I know people who make fun of people because it makes them feel good and I actually feel sorry for them. Its not you it is them. It's all they seem to be good at. Just meet new people that are nice to you and stick with them.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?tell yourself, let bygone be bygone. your life begins from today onwards.

you may identify your area of interests and pick up something new, something you can hold on to and excel in. and from there strive to make achievements. in this way, there's a goal in life, you'll not stray away easiliy.

can also try to go to the library to read up on anything you like.. geography world facts, human brain, etc they're very interesting. have you heard- the book is a man's bestfriend. reading can make you really insightful and appreciative of the things around you, and as well, enable you to cast aside unpleasant/insignificant plague of life.

good luck!I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Meditation not medication,I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?My advice would be for you to see a professional psychologist who specializes in depression cases. Trust me I went through a similar ordeal of utmost depression and thought I would never get over it.That is until I sought for help through a good psychologist( sometimes they like to refer to themselves as therapists) and got the help I needed. Usually they'll ask you questions such as%26quot; what's going on in your life right now?%26quot;, %26quot;why do you feel this way?%26quot; you know and things like that.If you choose not to see one then maybe you should consider talking to a friend who you know is not %26quot;evil%26quot;. Good Luck.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Thereapy. Instead of running from the evil and sadness, learn how to deal with it straight on. Best of luck, my dear, have courage and faith.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?i wish i could write you a simple solution , but it is not hat simple, the best i can tell you is to im me after the holidays and i will be more than happy to try and help you work thru your problems., the choice is in your hands, but i am sincere.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?What actually that you are facing? It is not about illness or evil, it is about yourself. Open your heart and open your mind. Think more positive way, this will make you change your life. Friend and family is your best adviser.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Try something, this may help you. Try looking in the mirror at yourself, and keep looking at yourself, for as long as you can stand it. Now after you're done doing that, get a tape recorder, or whatever device you can get to record the sound of your voice. Make a recording of yourself saying some every day sentences you might say to someone you know.

Now after you're done doing that, go and listen to the recording, but try making a paragraph at least, or longer and then listen to it, with earphones preferably but out loud is fine as well. Now every day, set aside about 20 minutes to look at yourself in the mirror and record new sounds of yourself talking.

Your problem stems from not liking yourself, and this is a direct reflection on your relationship with others. Subconsciously people are harsh towards you, not because they don't like you, they get bad vibes off you, and they just react to what their subsconscious suggests to them. Once you get to know yourself, and do what I mention will you rid yourself of your sadness. Also try learning a new language via tapes or cd's by listening to them at night when you go to sleep. Also try listening to Baroque era of classical music, these styles of music invoke happy thoughts and also increase intelligence.

This would be your best method of trying to get over your sad feeling. I myself back when I was about 20 or so, hated the world, and most of the people in it, took me a long time to figure out my problem myself. But I sat and thought my problem through and did the very same things I mention or suggest you to do and it worked very well. I wish you luck in feeling better physically and emotionally.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Wow....I totally relate to you. The meds thing, no energy, the sleeping, late for work, good physical health, people. I almost can't believe it. Your like the girl version of me. I can copy and paste your question as my own (except for the b/f which would be g/f for me) I'm not sure how to answer your question, just know that there are other people like you, like me. I have the same problem. Thanks for posting such an honest question. I'd like an answer too. Good luck.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?%26quot;costa%26quot; deserve the 10 points ! I'v been helping a friend thru depression lately, your suggestions were part of my %26quot;recommendation%26quot; to her. She's recovering .... But she must NOT stop taking the drs. prescriptions till she's much more stable - so pls continue (REMEMBER) taking what your dr. ordered.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?You can and do create your own reality. Sounds like you have had a rough life. Many people are immature and heartless. If all they can do is put you down then cut them off. Negativity is a black hole w/o end. Decide to be happy. Become determined that you are good.

Dwell and think about your good qualities. When someone is negative toward you wall them off and ignore them like holding up a cross to a vampire. My rejuvenating activity is to walk my dogs in the woods. I just let them run w/o a leash. They love it. They sometimes roll in mud or sniff and eat disgusting things but it makes them happy. They are confined to the house alot and being free is like going to heaven. Put yourself in situations w/ people where you are in a position to be a helper. Its been a while but sometimes I visit a nursing home. I play the piano and they are always glad to here me play. I always get encouragement and compliments. Its life affirming. If your life has been difficult change it. I feel for you. Just make up you mind to be happy.

Recently, I deliver pizzas part time, one night I imagined different scenarios where I would get a huge tip. Customer had won the lottery=50 dollar tip. Couple just got married 20 dollar tip, man just got a raise 10 dollar tip. I tried to think of all the situations where someone would be in a really generous mood. That day and several days after I really experienced a new level of joy. As it turned out I did not receive any %26quot;huge%26quot; tips but my outlook changed. The day before yesterday I got a 14 dollar tip. The lady was in a good mood, standing in her front yard getting pizza surrounded by a really nice Christmas display of lights and ornaments. So, if you can, and you can, change the way you think. Change your name to Happy or Joy when someone says something bad act as if you did not hear them and give no reaction at all. They are really sad themselves and you know what they say, %26quot;misery enjoys company%26quot;. Be positive, be truly positive. Your positive energy will attract more positive energy and positive people will come into you life. Kinda like me, friend.

Stay in touch. I'm accessible and I won't let you down. There is goodness and beauty within. Never forget it!I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?Dear, my heart goes out for you. I dont understand why people are so mean to you BUT.. your happiness will always come from within. It will be difficult to take the first step on your own, so either see a specialist, or read lots of inspirational material. If you are a believer and have some sort of praying ritual, do it. You said you got rid of the evil friends in your life, so what about the good ones? Seek their help. Find hobbies to make you feel better and distract your mind a bit from the gloomy thoughts. Volunteer and see the less previliged people so that you may feel that you are blessed. Most of all, know that it will take sometime to transform yourself. But it's worth the effort.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?How about this; first grow da *** up. I was on meds and they did some good but it's all in yourself man. Stop lookin outwards for help and help yourself! You've already spelled it out by saying you are lazy. That's no freakin excuse that $hit works only once and then it gets old. Let me tell you, you're not gettin younger just older and people expect more from you. Life doesn't get easier as you get older only harder. Not trying to be a harda$$ but just being real with you.I am angry and depressed every day and cry a lot, how can I change?You've got an awful lot of good answer's here. You can see that you're not alone and that there are good people out there.

You say the meds were %26quot;OK%26quot; perhaps a different med would be better. Also, there are natural remedies that might help your depression, St John's Wort, Bach's Flower Essences, etc... Check with a health food store.

You could also try calling around and seeing if there are any depression support groups, if not , there are other support groups. Many are free. Good luck and hope you have a Merry Xmas.