HELP! Someone is hacking my yahoo passwords almost every day! I have changed my password to crazy things now from game t
itles to random books and numbers and letters and no matter what i do someone hacks into it and changes my password! What can i do?HELP! Someone is hacking my yahoo passwords almost every day! I have changed my password to crazy things...?they probably installed a keylogger on your comp. keyloggers automatically start up when windows starts so as soon as you log on, it records everything you do. take it to shop and have them run it to rid your comp of the
software. you could do it your self but the person could overwrite what you do. shops have certain softwares that can isolate the program so it doesnt have access which would allow them the time to delete it. also it would be wise to invest in a virus scanner.HELP! Someone is hacking my yahoo passwords almost every day! I have changed my password to crazy things...?Your computer probably is infected with malware which is capturing everything you type and sending it to some evil person on the inter
Don't go to any online banking sites or you'll end up losing alot of money.
HowardHELP! Someone is hacking my yahoo passwords almost every day! I have changed my password to crazy things...?Make sure your firewall is up.You'll find it in the Security Center.
Go to CNET at and install the free version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.Update the progra
ms signatures and then run a complete scan. gat rid of everything it finds.
how to deal with your excolumnheader