Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can you argue you're ready to be Pres on Day 1 when you've run an incompetent campaign?

Hillary is in charge of her campaign. It has been a series of blunders, trusting the wrong people, shifting positions, and internal fighting. There has been no solid message brought forward, only changing slogans every day. Does that disprove her being the person best ready to serve on Day 1?

We've seen she's not electable, so that arguement's gone. Her 35 years of experience are mostly written off by the public. Does she have any message left?Can you argue you're ready to be Pres on Day 1 when you've run an incompetent campaign?She will keep digging, because that's what she does. She will keep changing her message with each different state right up to the time that she either comes to her senses and drops out or loses the Democratic nomination.Can you argue you're ready to be Pres on Day 1 when you've run an incompetent campaign?Hillary Clinton could have made a blunder of choosing the wrong staff that led to her loss in Iowa.Can you argue you're ready to be Pres on Day 1 when you've run an incompetent campaign?We can always learn something, even from someone who seems useless.Can you argue you're ready to be Pres on Day 1 when you've run an incompetent campaign?-1st let me say that I am undecided on my vote at this point.

To my knowledge, I have only heard of one blunder - in acceptance of $ from the wrong sponsor. The $ has been returned. The sponsor brought up on charges.

?Infighting / Shifting positions - Have you experienced this personally. Have heard of this only from right wing talk hosts or biased media folk.

?No solid message/ I would like to find the true solid message of any of the candidates. In particular I still keep hoping to find Mr. Obama', Mr. Huckabee's, Mr. Romney's (changes a couple of times a day) or Mr. Edward's. Lot's of passion-speak on issues they believe in, but not much substance on what their actual policy will be. The only clear messages I've heard are ....hmmmm....guess I'm still waiting. Do know one fact - under Clinton's administration our middle class family did very well financially. After 8/yrs of Bush Jr. we are 1/health care crisis away from bancruptcy.

?Not electable - Since when does a small state caucus and a small state election - that by the by hasn't even happened yet - decide nominations and a national election that won't happen for months.

No matter who you support - please use your head and make your opinions on facts - not on sound bites, headlines, gossip and inuendo.