Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is it normal to get discharge every day?

I get it every day of every month of every year since I was about 4.

Is this odd?Is it normal to get discharge every day?Since the age of 4 is a little odd, but discharge daily is totally normal and healthy, it flushes out dead cells and bacteria from your vagina and protects by keeping vaginal walls moist so not to dry or split, thanks to discharge your vagina is cleaner than your mouth. You have discharge all the time, changing as hormones change, you may notice it more around ovulation as it becomes slippery and stretchy, this is part of your bodies way to protect sperm so it can reach the egg. Even during your period you have discharge, you just don't notice it amongst your menstrual flow. You can see changes throughout your menstrual cycle and knowing these changes helps you see when you are fertile and if you have an infection. Things to look out for are unusual colour, bad odor, itching, or odd texture which could be a sign of infection that would require treatment ?this is the only time you should be consdered about your discharge, otherwise discharge is totally healthy.

This page explains discharge very well -

Keep yourself clean using water alone, soap or washes have a different pH to your vagina so can effect normal balance of vaginal flora which can lead to infections, as your vagina is self-cleaning it needs nothing but water to stay clean. Keep yourself dry by wearing cotton panties, avoiding tight or synthetic clothing. Check yourself from time to time to make sure everything is okay and get regular medical check-ups, also keep the rest of your body healthy. Always wipe from front to back after you've been on the toilet. Avoid tampons and commercial pads as they cause damage to your vaginal health, instead try cups, organic pads or other alternatives. Practice safe sex if sexually active, know that this doesn't just mean using condoms, but knowing how bes tot care for your sexual health.Is it normal to get discharge every day?This is completely normal, discharge is the vagina's way of cleaning itself and staying healthy. It's not for when you're 'horny' if you are aroused you will feel wet and this is your body's way of getting ready for sex. Discharge is different. Its normal so don't worry about it.Is it normal to get discharge every day?yes, discharge is normal, but if it has an odd colour or smell it may mean you have a vaginal infection and should go see a doctor.

but otherwise totally normal. its just the way your body cleans itself.Is it normal to get discharge every day?I guess its normal Ive had it kinda like that since I was bout 10 right before I started my period. Normally its worse before I start my period. I just wear a super thin pad occasionally.Is it normal to get discharge every day?What are you? some kind of sick werewolf freak? it normal to get discharge every day?yes, i think if you are horny everyday/ makes sense to me
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