Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What can i eat every day to lose weight. it has to have all the needed vitamins, but the samething every day?

it can be different for breakfest lunch dinner inbetween snacks and midnight snacks as long as it's the same every day.What can i eat every day to lose weight. it has to have all the needed vitamins, but the samething every day?Nothing contains all the vitamins you need, and even if it did you wouldn't absorb all of it. Besides, eating the same thing day in and day out couldn't be sustained as a lifestyle change and any weight loss would quickly come back.

I recommend a sustainable, healthy diet full of protein and healthy fats along with colorful veggies and some fruits. Choosing a variety of foods gives you the best possible shot at getting everything you need. Take a multi-vitamin/mineral to pick up any possible slack.What can i eat every day to lose weight. it has to have all the needed vitamins, but the samething every day?breakfast: eggs (anyway) and a small slice of bread (whole wheat) ((no butter))

lunch: turkey sandwich (on whole wheat) and an orange

dinner: big bowl of fruit salad and an apple